Vegetarian Ocean Chowder Ingredients MINOR’S® Classical Reductions Reduced Vegetable Stock MINOR’S® Culinary Cream Smoked dulse sea vegetable (generic name for a seaweed), or any dried sea vegetable such as Nori. Potatoes or, add some color with sweet potatoes Onions or, change it up with scallions or shallots Carrots or, add parsnips or rutabaga for an unexpected flavor Celery Whole milk Build It Sauté onions, carrots, and celery until soft. Add in the dulse. Add potatoes, milk, Vegetable Base and Culinary Cream. Simmer until potatoes are soft. Serve with crackers. Share this recipe: More Like This Meatless No Meat, No Problem: Let Your Plant-based Ingredients Shine Industry Trends The Benedict Revival