Braised Burgundy Short Rib

Braised Burgundy Short Rib


Build It

  1. Whisk together Roasted Garlic, Herb de Provence and Olive oil in small mixing bowl. Rub short ribs with half of this paste and reserve remainder for later use. Let short ribs sit for up to 8 hours.
  2. Sear off short ribs in Dutch oven and set aside. Add onions and sauté for 5 minutes, then add mushrooms and short ribs to Dutch oven. Deglaze with one cup Burgundy wine.
  3. In a separate sauce pot, make Beef Gravy Concentrate using a 50/50 combination of Burgundy wine and water. Add reserved seasoning paste to prepared gravy. Add Beef Gravy to Dutch oven to desired depth.
  4. Cover and braise until tender. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve short ribs with mushrooms and onions, top with reserved burgundy sauce, over starch of choice.